UMass Boston

Integrated Sciences Complex at night view from the water.
Multivariable & Vector Calculus

Course Overview

Date / Time Location Credits Minimium Tuition*
1/27/25 - 5/14/25
TuTh 12:30p.m. – 1:45p.m.
Wheatley W01-0047 4 $2645 (guest students)
1/27/25 - 5/14/25
TuTh 12:30p.m. – 1:45p.m.
Wheatley W01-0047
Min. Tuition*
$2645 (guest students)


Differential and integral calculus of functions of several variables and of vector fields. Topics include Euclidean, polar, cylindrical, and spherical coordinates; dot product, cross-product, equations of lines and planes; continuity, partial derivatives, directional derivatives, optimization in several variables; multiple integrals, iterated integrals, change of coordinates, Jacobians, general substitution rule; curves and surfaces, parametrizations, line integrals, surface integrals; gradient, circulation, flux divergence; conservative, solenoidal vector fields; scalar, vector potential; Green, Gauss, and Stokes theorems. Please note: Because MATH 242 is the final part of a three-semester calculus sequence, it should be taken as soon as possible after MATH 141.


Students who are in or have completed MATH 240 may not take MATH 242.Please see class note for more details. prereq: MATH 141

This course is closed for registration.

Course Details